
What Are Three Ways That A Plant Cell Is Different From An Animal Cell


Selina Solutions Class 6 Biological science Solutions for Exercise Brusk Answer Questions (SA) in Affiliate 3 - Prison cell - The Structure and Role

Question 6 Short Answer Questions (SA)

Q6) Listing the major differences between a plant cell and an creature prison cell.


Solution :

Plant prison cell Animal cell
ane. Have a cellulose cell wall outside the cell membrane. ane. Accept no cell wall.
ii. Accept a cell membrane. 2. Accept no chloroplasts.
3. Take cytoplasm. three. Have but modest vacuoles.
4. Have a nucleus. four. Often irregular in shape.
5. Often have chloroplasts containing chlorophyll. 5. Exercise not contain plastids.
6. Have prominent one or more vacuoles. 6. Take complex and prominent Golgi apparatus.
vii. Ofttimes regular in shape. vii. Cytoplasm fills almost the entire jail cell.

Video transcript

"hello welcome to Lido homework today we are going to see the differences between the mass and weight let's practice it what is the difference between the mass and weight so what the mass means okay and then let'due south find out what is the mass means mass here first the steps of mass and nosotros write down here first one is mass different it'southward it's constant for a trunk and does not change by changing the place information technology's going to exist abiding okay it's going to exist abiding and and second one the 2d is acid is kilogram s i unit is kilogram side by side one third point y'all could take information technology as this is the quantity of matter of the trunk it is quantity of affair of the body okay these are the things of the mass and let's look into the adjacent one that is weight what is the weight and how it is not constant the first point is the same reverse of it not abiding in all the places okay the second indicate take it as it is measured past spring balance it can be it can exist measured measured by leap balance okay that's it so it'south the quantity of thing of the torso and it is a sign it is going to exist newton's newton's is going to be the units of it what what is this it is going to be the si unit okay and then i take to sympathize what is the mass and what is the weight ways i promise y'all understood this video subscribe to the channel for regular updates and thank you for watching this video "


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